Student Engagement

Delsarte Sunday Workshops

November 4, 2018, 10:00 AM (America/Chicago)


Work with New York Master Delsarte Instructor, Joe Williams, in a series of weekend workshops.  Learn the fundamentals of Delsarte in the Body Language and the Artist interactive seminar and move on to workshops focusing on everything from specific body parts to balance and the principles of music. 

Classes take place throughout the weekend of November 3 & 4, and will meet in the Gallery on the 3nd floor of the Memorial Union. Classes are priced individually, although we recommend taking Body Language and the Artist as a good foundation from which to move forward.  Sign up for a full day Saturday or full day Sunday, or full weekend for a discounted price.

Three Pillars Arts ® Practical and Restorative Yoga   
Following the fundamental principal of "Strength at the Center, Freedom at the Extremities," and after many years of teaching therapeutic yoga to students ranging from 6 to 91, a series of simple exercises have emerged, which prepare the empowerment and function of the body for the basic actions of life itself. You will find yourself using these movements as you go about your day, and your body will feel greater ease in every action.
Sunday, November 4 from 10-11am
ISU $12/Public $17
Register Here

Awakening Your Beauty, Power and Presence
Explore Delsarte's exercises in relaxation, and harmonic balance, revealing these three qualities in any person, regardless of age, size or gender. Beauty is harmonic movement, revealing the inner beauty in action. Power is strength and readiness made accessible by the leverage and relaxation of balanced movement. Presence is to be present in your entire body, cultivated by harmonic movement.
Sunday, November 4 from 11:30-1pm
ISU $18/Public $23
Register Here
Musicality Made Easy Through Movement
Gleaned from six summers of teaching for the Dalcroze Institute at Juilliard, where movement was used to teach musical interpretation to concert musicians, conductors, theater and opera performers, and music teachers from around the globe. The principles are so simple that they can be easily grasped by the least musically trained, while challenging the most advanced students that walked through the doors of Juilliard. This class includes the physical experiences of: the difference between rhythm and meter, the basic rhythmic patterns of musical structure, reading note values and tempo, and analysis of music brought in by the students. (Musicians and singers are encouraged to bring sheet music with them to class. Dancers are encouraged to bring recorded music. There will be a 3.5 mm connection available for music playback.)
Sunday, November 4 from 2:30-4:30pm
ISU $24/Public $29
Register Here

Delsarte Workshops with Joe Williams

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